Call for papers
The workshop offers a forum to present latest developments in (but not limited to):
- Bayesian networks
- Conditional Independence
- Stochastic Analysis
- Algebraic Statistics
- Information-Theoretical Inequalities
- Management Science
- Uncertainty in AI
- Combinatorial Methods for Secrete Sharing
- Fuzzy Analysis
- Machine Learning
- Decision Theory
- and related fields
Important Dates
- March 14, 2025: Submission of extended abstract
- March 28, 2025: Author notification of acceptance
- May 2, 2025: Camera-ready copy of the final paper due
Extended abstract
To upload the extended abstract of your paper, use the following form. The system will generate respective latex file and save the abstract in our database. Note that the abstract is used by programme committee to decide if your paper is suitable for our workshop or not.
Final paper
To upload the final version of your paper, use the following form. Please, do not forget to upload you paper with its source LaTeX file. In case of a late submissions, send us the final version of your paper by email to
Author Kit - for final paper
Download the author kit here. Papers should not be longer than 12 pages, references included.
Special Issue
We plan to organize a special issue of the international journal Kybernetika dedicated to WUPES'25 after the workshop. For this special issue, all selected papers will undergo a regular reviewing process.